Our Mission

Insight Women’s Center’s mission is to reach out and serve our community with Jesus’ love. By providing evidence-based education, pregnancy help services, & parenting support in a safe environment, we empower women and men to make well-informed and confident pregnancy decisions.

Our Beliefs

Faith in Christ

We believe an unplanned pregnancy is often symptomatic of even deeper needs in a woman’s life. As we reach out with compassion and practical help, it is our desire to minister to the woman with the healing message of forgiveness and redemption through Jesus Christ.


We believe that a child is created in the image of God at the time of conception and that abortion destroys that child’s life before birth.  A mother may also be left with lifelong emotional and spiritual scars. A mother often decides on abortion because she lacks accurate information.  We propose to educate a woman about her baby’s development, what abortion entails and other options available, including parenting her child and adoption opportunities. We believe an informed choice is vital in helping a woman make a thoughtful decision for both her and her baby.

Assistance and Support

We believe pregnancy constitutes a God-given responsibility of mother to child. When a woman chooses to parent and raise her child, we commit to providing emotional and practical support before, during and after the birth.


We believe adoption is a very positive experience in God’s plan and serves as a picture of the believer’s adoption into God’s family. When adoption is elected, we will help an expectant or new mother through the process, including providing support and connections with professionals who specialize in adoption services.


We believe that a woman who chooses to abort will need our ongoing love and compassion. We will continue to make our friendship available and offer her any emotional and physical support she may need.