A Young Brave Woman
“Brave” is a word we often use to describe our clients. Week after week, women choose life for their baby, show up for their lessons, and learn all about babies and parenting while getting the necessary items they need from our Buttons and Bows Boutique.
*Rebecca is one of these brave women.
Rebecca is a young girl from Topeka that found herself unexpectedly pregnant. She was in an unhealthy relationship with an unsupportive, verbally abusive guy who treated her poorly. He refused to come to her sonograms or BrightCourse lessons, but Rebecca came anyway. She recently made the brave decision to end things with her boyfriend for the sake of her baby, but that didn’t necessarily make things easier for her.
Rebecca has been commuting from Topeka to Insight every week, even after her ex-boyfriend took the car they were sharing. Each week she isn’t sure how she will get back to Insight the next week, but she always figures out a way to make it to her appointments, never missing a single one. Rebecca brings several friends to appointments and has built great relationships with our staff and volunteers. She doesn’t know week to week how she will pay her bills or buy groceries on her part-time salary, but she has made Insight classes a priority. This young woman continues to show us what being brave looks like, and we know that her baby will one day see just how brave her momma is!
God’s Timing is Perfect
Our client coordinator recently received a phone call from a donor wanting to pass on a gift. This mother of three had a $50 gift card that she wanted to give to bless a client in need. Our staff immediately thought of Rebecca.
We chose Rebecca because of the needs she has, and we also wanted to encourage her that others are there for her, even when it feels like she is in this alone. Rebecca will likely never meet this donor, but this simple act of kindness and generosity is just what the Lord had for her to know she is cared for and loved.
We couldn’t wait to give this gift to her at her next appointment. She was so overwhelmed with appreciation and shared how much this gift of kindness meant to her.
*Our clients name has been changed to honor her privacy.